Vaginal Thrush: Treatment
Cause of vaginal yeast infection
Thrush is a disease that develops as a result of infection with fungal bacteria. The causative agent is constantly in the body, but under certain conditions it begins to actively multiply, causing an inflammatory process. In order to start treatment on time, it is important to understand what causes thrush, how it manifests itself, and what to do with the disease.
A disease such as a thrush always develops with a fungal flora. Also, the pathology is called vaginal candidiasis. Candida fungi are normally always on the surface of the genital mucosa, but when the microflora changes, their number also changes, which causes certain symptoms.
There are two main forms of pathology:
- An acute inflammatory process with bright symptoms.
- A chronic process, when the signs of thrush appear and then disappear.
- Each form has its own characteristics and requires an individual approach to treatment.
Reasons for the development of thrush
The disease never develops in the presence of a single cause. It is always a complex of provoking factors. Under their influence, the amount of beneficial flora decreases sharply and the number of pathological flora increases. Possible causes of thrush are:
- Long-term use of drugs without microflora control;
- A sharp decrease in immune forces;
- Changes in hormonal levels;
- Metabolic disorders;
- Chronic pathologies.
It is characteristic that thrush often accompanies such pathologies as tonsillitis, obesity, diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis of the liver, long-term antibacterial or hormonal treatment, pregnancy, and lack of weight.
Cause of female vaginal yeast infection
There are other reasons that determine why thrush occurs:
- Violation of personal hygiene.
- A rare change of sanitary pads, and tampons.
- Use of synthetic underwear.
- Use of deodorized hygiene products.
In addition to the above, an excessive amount of carbohydrates in the diet will also be a provoking factor. In this case, thrush can develop both in an adult and in a newborn. Children are more likely to get a primary infection when passing through the birth canal, and the disease is exacerbated due to low immunity. Knowing what causes thrush makes it much easier to take preventive measures.
A fungal infection can affect absolutely any part of the body. The superficial form develops with damage to the nails and mucous membranes. Systemic involves internal organs. An extremely severe form or candidal sepsis is when the fungus affects the entire body.

According to the symptoms of thrush, acute, chronic, carrier and congenital forms are distinguished. All differ in their symptoms, but all are equally dangerous for contact:
The carriage is characterized by the absence of signs of inflammation, but as a result of the diagnosis, a large number of fungi are determined on the mucous membrane of the genital organs or the oral cavity.
The acute form is also considered the initial form. It does not cause complications and is easily treatable.
Chronic candidiasis responds worse to drug treatment. The clinic may be mild, but the results of the tests reveal a large amount of fungus.
In addition to the above, a recurrent form is distinguished, when the pathology often worsens with an appropriate clinic, and a persistent, that is, sluggish disease, with rare exacerbations associated with a certain factor, for example, before the onset of menstruation.
White discharge with thrush
A characteristic symptom is itching in the affected area. As a rule, this is a complex set of symptoms. Thus, the first symptoms of thrush will be:
- The mucosa is hyperemic. Detected during gynecological examination.
- Pain with thrush occurs at the time of sexual intercourse or hygiene procedures. There may be discomfort during urination.
- Puffiness is especially pronounced in the advanced form of pathology.
- Thrush discharge is white with curdled flakes.
- It is important to note that sometimes the pathology proceeds with an erased clinic, when there is, for example, only itching with thrush and a small discharge. Also, there may be no symptoms, especially in the persistent form.
- Ignoring the symptoms leads to a chronic process. This form is especially intractable. Therefore, at the first signs, it is important to contact a gynecologist and find out how to treat thrush and what are the preventive measures.
The manifestations of thrush are always characteristic, but this does not mean that when dangerous symptoms appear, a woman can start taking medication herself. There are other pathologies that occur with a similar clinic. Even knowing how to identify thrush in women, you can not self-medicate.
Treatment of vaginal thrush
First of all, it is important to consult a gynecologist. Already during the examination, he will be able to detect swelling of the tissues, and the presence of secretions. At the same time, with persistent thrush, it is important to come to the appointment precisely during the period of exacerbation, and not during the period of remission. Laboratory analysis is required. The appearance of thrush in a smear depends on the form of pathology, and the ratio of fungi and other microorganisms.
In addition to the smear, they prescribe:
- Sowing to determine the type of fungus.
- ELISA to detect antibodies.
- PCR, which determines the DNA of the infection.
- Even if a woman has previously had thrush, the same drugs cannot be used repeatedly, since the fungi easily adapt to drugs and the therapy will no longer be effective. This explains the fact that often women go to the doctor when there is already a strong thrush with vivid symptoms.
A particularly common form is vaginal candidiasis. Almost all women have experienced this. But despite this, many questions and myths related to pathology remain. There are several important points that every girl should know:
- You can have sex with thrush, but only with a condom. At the same time, itching and discomfort are unlikely to give pleasure.
- It is believed that just one tablet can cure thrush. But this method helps only with the initial form of pathology. In other cases, treatment is complex and lengthy.
- Often the question arises whether thrush is treated with fermented milk products. No, this method is inefficient.
- Before menstruation, an exacerbation of the disease often occurs due to changes in hormonal levels and a decrease in immunity.
- Inflammation can occur against the background of severe stress, including a decrease in immunity.
Diet for thrush
Despite the fact that the pathology covers the genitals, diet is also of great importance. If thrush is detected in a girl, it is recommended to reduce the number of simple carbohydrates. These are sugar, confectionery, jam, dried fruits, chocolate, and products containing a large amount of starch. These restrictions must be respected for three months.
In addition, it is recommended to reduce the number of hot spices, products containing dyes, yeast products, drinks, and sweet soda. It is especially important to give up alcohol after frequent thrush.